For over twenty years, I worked for the Nuclear Medicine and Nuclear Energy Industry of Canada, in Research and Development, approving new drawings and creating programs, as well as refurbishing old parts and manufacturing new ones. For the last sixteen of those years, I was the chief Nuclear Inspector, overseeing every aspect of the production and testing of all such parts. Then, I was forced into retirement by a debilitating neuro-muscular disorder which weakens me with every exertion of energy. No longer able to perform simple physical tasks, I reverted to my first passion, writing, to keep my mind from stagnating and to fulfill my creative impulse. On New Year’s Day, 2020, I mentioned to my daughter that I had recently conceived of a notion to write a blog about global issues such as politics, religion, the climate, etc. and she asked me why I would choose topics that are so controversial. At the time, I responded that my reason was exactly because of the controversy these topics cause. Not that I want to bring about more angst, but, issues such as these must be addressed and not ignored. We each have a voice to be heard and a say in what affects our world. On the following day, with the world on the brink of a third world war, a Nuclear war, I said to my daughter, ” This is what I’m talking about!”